I love a good trip to the beach. With the time in the sun and the calm of the water, it feels like that's how summer was meant to be spent! With four little ones though, I'm always trying to simplify things and makes them run even smoother on the next outing. I'm planning to try some of these tips the next time we head to the beach

Pack lunches separately so that if one falls into the sand, you don´t lose the entire batch.
Bring a cooler with lots of fruit as a refreshing snack for the kids —I always like to add deli meat in there for good protein. You know that as soon as you get everything setup and ready to enjoy your time under the sun, you'll begin hearing how hungry and thirsty the kids are…so be ready! You can also pack some frozen juice cartons and they'll make delicious slushies for the kids once they thaw out.
Raid your bakery cupboard and bring some cupcake liners. Cover the kid´s drinks to keep bugs and sand out.
Head to your local hardware store to pick up a dust broom and keep it in the trunk. Use it to brush off any sand from clothes, body, and shoes before heading back home. You'll be happy you did when you're not vacuuming up a million sand particles the next day.
Reuse some of your plastic grocery bags by using them to throw out trash and carry wet clothes and towels home with you.
Stay close to a lifeguard station so that it's easier for your kids to always navigate back to your spot.
A good activity for kids is to make a shell necklace. Bring some colorful thread and send your kids on a hunt to find some shells with some natural holes in them to string onto the necklace. Tie a knot before and after each shell so that they're not sliding around and finally tie the ends together. It's a perfect activity to keep their attention but also is a great souvenir for them to bring back home.
So pack up your bags and get to the water! Which tips will you try on your next beach outing?