3 Must-Do Strategies to Simplify Your Next Work Trip
So many of us are getting the travel itch this spring and already have our trips booked and are looking forward to them. With all that travel comes inevitable delays and disruptions. That is why it is even more important that you have a few key strategies to navigate the potentially stressful game of getting through the airport and beyond.
Here are 3 Must-Do Strategies to Simplify Your Next Work Trip:
1. EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: Keep a clear tote with you in your travel bag of all of the everyday essentials you might need (i.e. lip moisturizer, hair tie, hand lotion, medicine/vitamins if you feel something coming on, flossers, first aid items). With these items close at hand, you'll feel prepared for whatever the travel day might bring! Make sure the tote is clear so that you can fly through TSA security without having to remove everything!
2. IN-FLIGHT TOTE: Keep another small organization tote with you to keep anything close at hand to include the in-flight essentials so that they’re not dropping everything everywhere on the ground or in the seat or constantly pulling out your bag to grab the next thing (i.e. AirPods, book, snack, tissues, gum, etc.)
3. RENTAL CAR ORGANIZATION: A tote for your rental car so everyone on the trip can have the essentials when they’re driving around each day (i.e. insurance card, ChapStick, gum, protein bars, hand sanitizer, money for unexpected tolls, certain medicine, car games for kids, etc.) After being side-swiped in the mountains of Palm Springs with no reception to be able to pull up our insurance card, this one was an important lesson learned!
Being organized when you travel just makes the trip so much smoother so that you can handle the inevitable disruptions with grace.
If you're searching for the perfect totes to simplify travel, look no further - you need these!
Here are 3 Must-Do Strategies to Simplify Your Next Work Trip:
1. EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: Keep a clear tote with you in your travel bag of all of the everyday essentials you might need (i.e. lip moisturizer, hair tie, hand lotion, medicine/vitamins if you feel something coming on, flossers, first aid items). With these items close at hand, you'll feel prepared for whatever the travel day might bring! Make sure the tote is clear so that you can fly through TSA security without having to remove everything!
2. IN-FLIGHT TOTE: Keep another small organization tote with you to keep anything close at hand to include the in-flight essentials so that they’re not dropping everything everywhere on the ground or in the seat or constantly pulling out your bag to grab the next thing (i.e. AirPods, book, snack, tissues, gum, etc.)
3. RENTAL CAR ORGANIZATION: A tote for your rental car so everyone on the trip can have the essentials when they’re driving around each day (i.e. insurance card, ChapStick, gum, protein bars, hand sanitizer, money for unexpected tolls, certain medicine, car games for kids, etc.) After being side-swiped in the mountains of Palm Springs with no reception to be able to pull up our insurance card, this one was an important lesson learned!
Being organized when you travel just makes the trip so much smoother so that you can handle the inevitable disruptions with grace.
If you're searching for the perfect totes to simplify travel, look no further - you need these!